Submission - Children

Scripture Reading - Luke 2:51-52 English Standard Version (ESV)

51 And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.
52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.

Today’s lesson will continue to speak on “submission”. We started with the highest level of “submission” which is “submission to God”. We looked at “submission to those in authority” over the land highlighting the fact that “submission” is not stating agreement but a respectful attitude about those in authority over you. We discussed “submission” to spiritual leaders in the church. Emphasizing the fact that you are “submitting” to the whole leadership team not just one individual, that is, if you purpose to “submit” God’s Way. We also looked at the doctrine of wives “submitting” to their own husbands. Although this is not a popular subject it is still necessary to function as a godly partnership (a healthy marriage) in the Kingdom of God. We discussed the subject of “youth submitting unto the elders” both in the church and outside of the church. We emphasized the fact that many mature elders are more knowledgeable about certain subjects than we are, so it is in our best interest to listen to them. We gave the example in that previous teaching that parents could be considered elders by their children and their children’s friends so children are to listen unto their parents with a “submissive heart (attitude)”. “Submission” to parents starts at a very young age, we would say from infancy but that wouldn’t be true. Why? We previously said that “submission” is an attitude of heart where you choose to humble yourself to follow the leading of the more aged (hopefully more mature) person with you. Infants are too young to even understand this principle so we can’t teach that infants are “submitted” because they are probably more interested in having their will than yielding to the will of another. However, once the child reaches an age of maturity where they know the difference between doing whatever they want to satisfy their own will or pleasing their parents by doing what the parents want then they can more clearly understand what “submission” is all about. We would conclude that once a child reaches that level of understanding they can mentally make their own decision whether they choose to “submit unto their parents” or not. We definitely know that this level of maturity will be different for each child. We have seen cases where younger children develop quickly and make more mature decisions unto the glory of God, our Father. However, we also have record of some children developing very slowly so they remain immature even into their adult years. For this reason we would never infer that maturity is a function of age but we can easily say, “that if you are living in your parent’s home” you should “be subject (submitted) unto them”. This word “submitted” as mentioned before is a spiritual decision to honor those who came before you into a right path of harmony and unity. This means the elder should be able to help you understand better a variety of subjects and the elder should be displaying the Fruit of the Spirit to lead you and others by example. Thus, being a true elder in deed and in truth. Yes, as you well know God loves all elders just as much as He (God) loves you so it is His Will that both sides (parents and children) come together to work as one. It is definitely God’s Will to have the elders (the parents) work with the youth (their children) to bring more peace and understand to the subject under discussion so both sides can benefit from good sound information then there will be peace and harmony in the home. We (ihlcc) know of plenty of cases where the children think evil about their parents because they think that they are too old to truly understand exactly what they are dealing with today in their younger generation of their peers. Yes, Satan has fed them (many children) a lie that their parents won’t understand and that talking to your parents will only make matters worse. This is very common and we have discussed this topic with certain youth to find out they didn’t even realize that Satan was whispering negative things (thoughts) into their ear. When questioned to produce facts and real life examples of bad counsel coming from the elders (their parents) in this context they (the children, the youth) could not. This proves the point that receiving some help (guidance, some aid, some counsel) from you parents with “a submissive attitude (being open minded)” could make the difference between the situation working out well or turning out to be disastrous. Children, start with giving your parents the benefit of the doubt by realizing that your parents are not out to hurt you and they usually will have your best interest in mind, even if it doesn’t seem like it. The key with children and parents is that if life goes in the right direction the day will certainly come that you will not have to be subject (submitted) unto them forever but rather just until you move out of their home or what we should say when you have enough income coming in to you so that your financial life is not dependent upon your parents money. If things go well with the elders (your parents) and their children (the youth) then the years of togetherness will go by fast and the Peace of God will be in the house and in the heart of both parents and children simply because the children “listen and submit” unto their own parents. We have sometimes noticed the alternate when certain children don’t listen to their parents and those children refuse to “submit” then there is stress, strife and separation running all through the house but more dangerously that stress, strife and separation is prevalent in their hearts hindering God’s Salvation from working in their spirit, soul and body. So please dear Child of God “submit unto your parents”. Yes “submit” unto both your immediate parents and your grandparents too (if necessary) because both have your best interest in mind and in doing so it will keep you in right standing with God and man unto the praises of God and the pleasure of God’s people that you interact with on a regular basis. Do all things unto the Lord in the Mighty Name of Jesus because that is the strength you need to walk in continuous success right now and forever. Amen!